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2013年5月16日 星期四

The Rise of the App Mortar Economy APP與實體銷售經濟時代

Retail is among the world’s largest industries. The top 10 global retailers are made up of 5 from the U.S. and 5 from Europe, collectively driving annual revenue in excess of $1.1 trillion. The U.S. Commerce Department estimates that U.S. domestic revenue exceeded $4.7 trillion in 2011 and is growing. Two thirds of the U.S. GDP, the world’s leading economy, comes from retail consumption.
零售業是世界上最大的產業。全球排名前10位的零售商一半來自美國和一半來自歐洲,共同推動每年超過1.1萬億美元的營收。美國商務部估計,美國國內收入 超過2011年的4.7萬億美元。約佔三分之二的美國國內生產總值,而且還在持續增加當中,支撐世界經濟體中最大部分的是零售消費。

Now, the retail industry is colliding with the mobile app economy. Just consider that, according to a recent IBM report, more than 18% of shoppers used a smartphone or tablet to access a retailer's website on Cyber Monday in 2012, an increase of 70% over 2011. Mobile made up 13% of total web-based purchases. The App & Mortar economy has arrived.
現在,零售行業碰上了行動APP的經濟。只要想一想,根據IBM最近的一份報告,在2012年 網絡星期一,超過18%的購物者使用智能手機或平板電腦來訪問零售商的網站,比2011年的網絡星期一增長70%以上。使用手機(行動裝置)透過網絡的採 購總額增加了13%。APP導購到實體(O2O)的經濟時代已經到來。

In this report, Flurry explores the shopping app category. For our analysis, we measured time spent by consumers across more than 1,800 iOS and Android shopping apps from December 2011 to December 2012.  Shopping apps were found predominately within the Shopping category on Google Play, and within the Lifestyle and Food & Drink categories in the Apple App Store.  From there, we broke down “Shopping” into five sub-categories:  Retailer Apps, Price Comparison, Purchase Assistant, Online Marketplace and Daily Deals.  Let’s take a look at how time spent in shopping apps is growing.
在這份報告中,Flurry探討不同類型的購物APP。在分析中,測量了1800多名iOS和Android購物APP,從2011年12月-2012年 12月美國消費者在這些APP上所花費的時間。這些購物APP主要是由Google Play商店中[生活方式]和蘋果App Store的[食物]和[飲料]這幾個類別目錄中找出來的。從這些分類中,我們將“購物”這個分類項目打破分成五個子類別:零售商APP,價格比較 APP,採購助理APP,網上交易市場APP和每日特賣APP。讓我們來看看消費者在這些越來越多的購物APP上是如何花費他們的時間。

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