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2013年5月19日 星期日

There’s An App Audience for That, But It’s Fragmented 一個龐大但分散的APP觀眾市場

Flurry now measures apps used on more than 1 billion smartphones and tablets each month. As connected devices reach critical mass, marketers are more seriously incorporating mobile into the marketing mix. But there are pros and cons.  While the collective size of the mobile audience is rivaling that of TV and other media, it still requires aggregating the audiences of many apps to reach what can be reached through a few TV programs.  That said, the numbers are likely closer than you think.  Additionally, mobile offers unique ways to engage consumers given its “always on, always present” characteristics.
Flurry 現在每個月都要測量在數量超過一億以上平板及智慧型手機上運作的APP,連結的設備達到了混亂的臨界點,市場行銷者更加認真的要將行動裝置納入市場的行銷組合之中,不過這有好處也有壞處,雖然行動裝置整體的觀眾數量可以跟電視及其他媒體相媲美,但是行動裝置卻需要聚集起許多的APP加起來才能達到少數電視及其他媒體能達到的觀眾數量,也就是說,整體的觀眾數量很可能比你想像的接近,特別的是,行動裝置還可以提供一些特別的方式來吸引觀眾,行動裝置可以達到隨時連線,隨時展示的特點。

In this report, we look into what it takes to reach comparably sized audiences across different media like television, print, online and mobile apps. We also drill down into how the size and engagement of the mobile app audience varies across days of the week and hours of the day, and how it presents unique opportunities.
在這份報告中,我們來看看在不同的媒體,如電視,印刷品,網絡和APP需要怎樣的數量才能達到同等規模的觀眾。我們也深入到 一週中的每一天以及每一天裡的不同小時裡,規模 跟 行動裝置上APP能吸引到的觀眾數量。以及這代表著什麼獨特的機會。

Let’s start by considering when people use apps.

The chart above shows how app usage varies over the course of a day, cut by weekend versus weekday. Data used for this chart comes from the top 250 iOS and top 250 Android apps measured by Flurry Analytics during February 2013. Through the top apps Flurry sees, app usage spikes during primetime to a peak of 52 million consumers. Make a mental note of that number, because we’ll revisit it a little later.
上面的圖表顯示了Flurry在2013年2月期間,測量分析在一周中平日的每一天及週末的時候,使用者如何使用APP的過程變化,用於該圖表的數據來自250個 TOP iOS和 TOP 250個Android APP。透過這些Top APP Flurry看到,在黃金時段高峰期間APP使用的的峰值達到5千2百萬觀眾。我們先記下的這個數字,因為等一下會用這個數字做其他的比較。

Comparing weekday to weekend curves, the general shape is similar. App usage ebbs overnight and then grows throughout the day, peaking in the early evening. While weekends also have a distinct primetime window, they see higher daytime usage across the day between 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, ostensibly when someone would normally be working. 
將平日與週末的曲線進行比較,可以發現一般的曲線形狀是相似的。APP使用率在晚上達到最低,然後在白天一整天慢慢升高,然後在傍晚時達到高峰。雖然週末也有相同的黃金時間窗口,但可以看到的週末曲線在一天內的9:00 AM - 5:00 PM比平日的白天有較高的使用率,很明顯的,這個時段通常有人是在工作。

However, the overall difference in audience size during the day between weekdays and weekends is not substantially different. Let’s look at 11:00 AM, for example, when the number of people using apps varies the most between weekdays and weekends. The size of the audience during this time is only 25% greater on weekends. Looking at it another way, this means that during the normal workday, people use apps at least 75% as much as they do on weekends. This creates a unique opportunity for advertisers to reach desired audiences over the course of the day via mobile.

The App Audience: Big But Fragmented
APP的觀眾 數量龐大但分散

Now, let’s return to that 52 million primetime app user number. To get to an audience of that size, you’d need to combine the circulation of the largest 200 weekend newspapers in the U.S. or combine the audiences for the 3 most highly rated primetime TV shows during a good TV week (e.g., The Big Bang Theory). 

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