KeePass 2 Password Safe 這個免費又非常好用的密碼管理軟體,我們在之前介紹過,現在最新的版本 更新到 2.34 版,密碼就跟鐵窗一樣,是現代社會不得不為的一種保護自己的方法,但是需要密碼的地方實在太多了,如果使用同一個密碼當然最方便又容易記,不過一但被盜取,所有用密碼保護的地方就通通公開了,如果用不同的密碼,這麼多個地方能夠記得住嗎? 如果忘記了,那可就麻煩大了,而且現在為了保密,有些地方會要求各種格式的密碼,讓密碼變得更加複雜了。
集客式行銷 包含 內容開發 網路佈局 以及 搜尋優化
Happy New Year.
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
KeePass 2 Password Safe 這個免費又非常好用的密碼管理軟體,我們在之前介紹過,現在最新的版本 更新到 2.34 版,密碼就跟鐵窗一樣,是現代社會不得不為的一種保護自己的方法,但是需要密碼的地方實在太多了,如果使用同一個密碼當然最方便又容易記,不過一但被盜取,所有用密碼保護的地方就通通公開了,如果用不同的密碼,這麼多個地方能夠記得住嗎? 如果忘記了,那可就麻煩大了,而且現在為了保密,有些地方會要求各種格式的密碼,讓密碼變得更加複雜了。
Jap Factory - 圓珠筆的制作流程
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原子筆的第一個專利是由美國人約翰J. Loud于1888年10月30日发表的。Loud尝试制作一个可以在粗糙的木头、厚包装纸上写字的工具,这些对于普通的钢笔是做不到的。Loud的笔有一个小小的可以滚动的钢珠,虽然可以在粗糙的表面如皮革上写字,但效果不佳,墨水出水不均匀,有漏水和堵塞现象。由于没有商业上的可行性,这项专利未被开发而最终失效。
Many of the ads served on the web never appear on a screen. But thanks to new advancements, we can now measure which digital ads were actually viewable—on screen.
其實,有許多放置在網頁上的廣告,從來就沒有真正被顯示在螢幕上,例如那些放在超過螢幕大小的網頁左方或下方的網頁廣告,當然還有一些特殊手段放置有出現卻看不到的廣告。 還好,感謝技術的進步,現在我們終於可以知道那些網頁廣告是真正在螢幕上可以看的到。
And as advertisers shift to paying for viewable instead of served impressions, it’s important to understand what factors affect ad viewability.
We explored this by conducting a study of our display advertising platforms, including Google and DoubleClick. Here we size up five factors of viewability
-- from page position to ad dimensions and more.
我們透過研究及展開一些廣告平台,包括Google和DoubleClick的資訊,我們將這些資訊濃縮成為 5點有關影響可見度的事實 - 衡量的範圍由廣告放置在網頁的哪個位置到廣告的尺寸等等。
VIEWABLE IMPRESSIONS:A new industry standard
不同於以前的顯示次數(IMPRESSIONS) 現在有可見度的顯示次數(VIEWABLE IMPRESSIONS) 是新的業界標準
A display ad is considered viewable when 50% of an ad’s pixels are in view on the screen for a minimum as defined by the of one second, Media Rating Council.
Viewability rate : Percentage of ads determined viewable out of the total number of ads measured.
能見度: 指被測出確定是可見廣告的數量百分比
1.State of publisher viewability
A small number of publishers are serving most of the non-viewable impressions; 56.1% of all impressions are not seen, but the average publisher viewability is 50.2%.
Viewability Distribution Across Domains
2.Page position matters ...
The most viewable position is right above the fold, not at the top of the page.
most viewable position
Most Viewable Position on Page
3.... So does ad size
The most viewable ad size s are vertical units. Not a surprise, since they stay on screen longer as users move around a page.
Popular ad size rates
Viewability Rates by Ad Size
4.Above the fold ≠ always viewable
Page position isn’t always the best indicator of viewability.
Not all above-the-fold impressions are viewable, while many below-the-fold impressions are.
average viewability rates
5.Viewability varies across industries
While it ranges across content verticals, or industries, content that holds a user’s attention has the highest viewability.
Google, "The Importance of Being Seen: Viewability Insights for Digital Marketers and Publishers" study, November 2014
Jap Factory - 酱油的制造流程
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Comfortable + entertaining + multifuncional + exclusive + luxurious + masterpiece + durable + smart + adjustable + affordable = SPYNDI
TED - 我們能藉著飲食餓死癌症嗎? Can we eat to starve cancer?
William Li presents a new way to think about treating cancer and other diseases: anti-angiogenesis, preventing the growth of blood vessels that feed a tumor. The crucial first (and best) step: Eating cancer-fighting foods that cut off the supply lines and beat cancer at its own game.
TED - 演講-完整播放清單 :演講者 : William Li : Cancer researcher
William Li heads the Angiogenesis Foundation, a nonprofit that is re-conceptualizing global disease fighting.
TED - 談漫畫的視覺魔力 The visual magic of comics
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In this unmissable look at the magic of comics, Scott McCloud bends the presentation format into a cartoon-like experience, where colorful diversions whiz through childhood fascinations and imagined futures that our eyes can hear and touch.
TED - 談漫畫的視覺魔力 The visual magic of comics
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In this unmissable look at the magic of comics, Scott McCloud bends the presentation format into a cartoon-like experience, where colorful diversions whiz through childhood fascinations and imagined futures that our eyes can hear and touch.
演講者 : Scott McCloud : Cartoonist
Scott McCloud is author of Understanding Comics, a comic book about comics. He's an evangelist for comics as a valid literary form (as more than pulp and kids' stuff) and his admiring fans include a laundry list of superstar cartoonists.
在這個四分鐘的連環趣味影片,Reddit的Alexis Ohanian細述一隻駝背鯨成為網上巨星的真實故事。「泥濘褲子先生」的經歷對於Facebook年代的信息散播者和市場推廣人士來說是一個最穩妥的寫照。
In a funny, rapid-fire 4 minutes, Alexis Ohanian of Reddit tells the real-life fable of one humpback whale's rise to web stardom. The lesson of Mister Splashy Pants is a shoo-in classic for meme-makers and marketers in the Facebook age.
TED - 如何透過社群媒體一夜成名 How to make a splash in social media
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在這個四分鐘的連環趣味影片,Reddit的Alexis Ohanian細述一隻駝背鯨成為網上巨星的真實故事。「泥濘褲子先生」的經歷對於Facebook年代的信息散播者和市場推廣人士來說是一個最穩妥的寫照。
In a funny, rapid-fire 4 minutes, Alexis Ohanian of Reddit tells the real-life fable of one humpback whale's rise to web stardom. The lesson of Mister Splashy Pants is a shoo-in classic for meme-makers and marketers in the Facebook age.
演講者 : Alexis Ohanian : Entrepreneur
Alexis Ohanian is the co-founder an executive chairman of Reddit, a social-voting news website with geek allegiances, a small-town feel and a penchant for lighting up the memes your friends IM you about next week.
TED - 叫人意想不到的激勵科學 The puzzle of motivation
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個人事業發展專家Dan Pink探討工作動機的謎團。他舉出一個社會學家都知道,而企業管理階層卻不懂的道理:傳統的奬勵並非如我們所想的湊效。他道出發人深省的故事,更指向一條新出路。
Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories — and maybe, a way forward.
In this unmissable look at the magic of comics, Scott McCloud bends the presentation format into a cartoon-like experience, where colorful diversions whiz through childhood fascinations and imagined futures that our eyes can hear and touch.
演講者 : Scott McCloud : Cartoonist
Scott McCloud is author of Understanding Comics, a comic book about comics. He's an evangelist for comics as a valid literary form (as more than pulp and kids' stuff) and his admiring fans include a laundry list of superstar cartoonists.
TED - 一個偉大故事的端倪 The clues to a great story
電影製作人安德魯史丹頓("玩具總動員"(Toy Story)、"機器人瓦力"(WALL-E))分享他對說故事的經驗 — 以從結尾開始回到起點的方式。(包含圖像語言...)
Filmmaker Andrew Stanton ("Toy Story," "WALL-E") shares what he knows about storytelling — starting at the end and working back to the beginning. Contains graphic language ... (Note: this talk is not available for download.)
演講者 : Andrew Stanton : Filmmaker
Andrew Stanton has made you laugh and cry. The writer behind the three "Toy Story" movies and the writer/director of "WALL-E," he releases his new film, "John Carter," in March.
為什麼上班時工作做不完 Why work doesn't happen at work
Jason Fried對於工作有個極端的理論:辦公室根本不是工作的場所。在TEDxMidwest會議上,他提出了幾個辦公室的問題(他稱之為M&Ms),並提出幾個建議,可以改善這些問題。
Jason Fried has a radical theory of working: that the office isn't a good place to do it. He calls out the two main offenders (call them the M&Ms) and offers three suggestions to make the workplace actually work.
TED-拖延大師腦中想什麼 Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
提姆.厄本知道拖拖拉拉不合理,但他一直沒有辦法甩掉這個一定要拖到最後一刻才開始趕工的習慣。在這個富有洞察力的爆笑演講裡,厄本帶我們走上一段 YouTube 癮、維基百科兔子洞,或是猛盯著窗外發呆的旅程──並鼓勵我們在時間不夠之前,更加認真思考真的在拖延的事情是什麼。
Tim Urban knows that procrastination doesn't make sense, but he's never been able to shake his habit of waiting until the last minute to get things done. In this hilarious and insightful talk, Urban takes us on a journey through YouTube binges, Wikipedia rabbit holes and bouts of staring out the window — and encourages us to think harder about what we're really procrastinating on, before we run out of time.
TED - 部落的領導 The tribes we lead
TED 演講 - 完整播放清單 :
Seth Godin argues the Internet has ended mass marketing and revived a human social unit from the distant past: tribes. Founded on shared ideas and values, tribes give ordinary people the power to lead and make big change. He urges us to do so.